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This company Rocks!!! And Jay is awesome!!! It’s a pleasure to work with him and his team!!!
Have worked with jay and his team for years and can attest that they are top notch humans and treat everyone with empathy while being stellar recruiters. Highly recommend
Women have a crucial part to play in development across the world. They have been undervalued for far too long. Currently, my foundation is in the process of building girls-only programming that we plan to help fund for years to come. Lots still need to be worked out, but like Jay Rosenzweig, I’m committed to the betterment and advancement of girls and women in society.
Jay Rosenzweig deserves kudos for tracking the number of women in leadership roles for the past 14 years, and for his actions and advocacy for change. Only through measurement and education can we hold one another to account, and spur greater action to affect the positive transformational change.
I applaud The Rosenzweig Report for trumpeting the need for more women leaders for so many years.
Congratulations to Jay and the Rosenzweig Report for putting facts and figures to how far we need to go to achieve a degree of equity for women in the workplace. Companies and societies function better with women in leadership. You can't improve what you don't measure. The Rosenzweig Report enables progress.
The Rosenzweig Report is an invaluable reminder that the key to making real, sustainable progress is collaboration and coordination. People skills are more important than ever before, and those who focus on building diverse networks will be the successful leaders in this new economic era.
The Rosenzweig Report should be read by every corporation because the time is now for gender diversity and equality in the workplace to come to full fruition. Everyone should be allowed to live their one life fully, becoming all they can be through passion, love, hard work and equal opportunity. I am truly hopeful this is possible because of allies like Jay Rosenzweig.
Winning companies are fueled by strong and healthy diversity of thought, which is heavily dependent on the diversity of people they hire. Measuring and monitoring the success of companies and the correlation with their diversity statistics is an important driver of awareness, which we thank Jay Rosenzweig for championing.
At the heart of the Rosenzweig Report is the commitment of Jay and his team to continue to document the need for gender and racial diversity, equity and inclusion in the leadership of Canadian corporations. Through this report and his company’s ongoing efforts, Jay is helping illuminate something I’ve always believed in as the leader of my own company: business is good for equality and equality is good for business!
Thank you Rosenzweig Report for shining a light on the numbers!
Jay’s work as a philanthropist and social justice fighter is unparalleled. The elite community of thought leaders that support him are a direct result of his impact across the globe. He has become not just a mentor to me, but a brother.
Women's engagement at the leadership level of organizations is imperative to Canada's competitiveness. It is even more important to have diverse and inclusive teams as technology becomes central to every business model. As the first female Managing Partner of PwC Canada's GTA region, I am invested in advancing women, both in technology and the workplace, and the Rosenzweig Report is a key tool in helping us to understand how fast we are creating change. We are at the tipping point, and we can't slow down now!
The Rosenzweig Report is a useful report card proving that Canadian companies are not doing enough to promote women into the highest levels of corporate leadership.
Jay Rosenzweig, through The Rosenzweig Report and his support for the #MeToo movement, shows that men can be important and effective allies and advocates for real change.
Canada continues to rise as a global force in empowering women, thanks to the initiative of its incredible country leaders including Jay Rosenzweig. At Mogul, one of the largest female millennial platforms worldwide, we are proud to collaborate with Jay Rosenzweig in all ways possible, as he continues to help advance the state of women worldwide.
The results of Jay Rosenzweig’s work are important; they are a reminder that as a society, we need to do better
With partners like Jay Rosenzweig, we are working to close the gaps and change the equation; it’s time to reimagine the workplace and make it more equitable.
As The Rosenzweig Report details, less than 10% of the top executives at our largest corporations are women. It is a waste of intellectual capital Canada can ill afford as we tackle the challenges and embrace the opportunities before us. And so, the work towards achieving true diversity must continue in earnest.
The Rosenzweig Report serves to educate and brings public awareness to the fact that the cause of gender diversity is not just about pushing females forward. It's about doing what's truly good for everyone.
I know many young women have not been as lucky as me when it comes to strong women close by blazing trails for them. Which makes me thankful that Jay Rosenzweig has diligently been publishing the annual Rosenzweig Report, which highlights and educates us further about the ongoing struggle for women in business and the importance of keeping these issues at the forefront. Jay has been a big supporter of mine and countless other women over the years.
Though Jay Rosenzweig’s business is about recognizing and finding talent, his calling is about fairness and social justice. For almost two decades, Jay has been promoting gender equality and diversity in the corporate world. I believe Jay has opened many windows of opportunity for women; from recognizing their talent to helping them grow into leaders in business and society.
I have worked with Jay for over 25 years and have had consistently excellent experiences throughout that time. Jay is the consummate professional who puts his clients first. His network is unsurpassed. I can say with confidence that Jay will surpass your expectations and deliver exceptional results.
Jay is a tireless and talented executive, with an unparalleled global network, deep knowledge across a wide range of fields, and abiding generosity of spirit. Highly recommend for all services offered by Rosenzweig & Co
I believe gratitude goes far and we should work in common cause with those who support us and the issues we support. With that in mind, that’s why I’m grateful for all the work Jay Rosenzweig has done for gender equality over the past two decades. In our exciting new world of Web3 and NFTs, there are glimmers of hope in the struggle for equality, but the ‘traditional world’ definitely lags behind and we need allies like Jay.
Jay Rosenzweig is an investor and a valuable advisor. He is not only a believer in blockchain technology and Web3, he is a staunch supporter of women founders and having the best people in place, regardless of gender, ethnicity or anything else. Trust in crypto has been eroded recently, but through it all, including our merger, Jay has steadfastly had our backs, just as he’s had the backs of women executives for the past two decades.
Through Jay Rosenzweig and his team continuing to do the important work of measuring and analyzing the progress of women in the workplace, we will have a reminder to constantly change our approach to maximizing the output from women so that we not only compete but elegantly conquer.
My startup is fortunate to have a group of both men and women who are almost equally represented on our cap table. Jay Rosenzweig is one of those investors and advisors. He has always encouraged our founding team to be conscious of diversity in our workplace. Having Jay as our mentor has really helped us shape how we think about our hires, partners, advisors, and investors. He's the motivating force that keeps my head up when I face challenges in the workspace due to my gender.
The Annual Rosenzweig Report is to be commended for promoting the advancement of women.
The Rosenzweig Report is an essential evidence-based component that can fuel a more activist investor approach, hold companies to account, and catalyze real transformation.
It is refreshing to see men like Jay Rosenzweig who, like me, believes in investing in women and diversity. Jay should be commended not only for his long-standing advocacy on gender equality, years before it was in mode, but also for his personal efforts to spur change by advising so many female-led businesses. Bravo! Let's keep that momentum going.
The latest Rosenzweig Report reminds us that a failure to tackle the structural barriers and persisting negative (and often unconscious) perceptions associated with diverse leadership will continue to keep women and minorities out of senior roles. Despite all the evidence that diversity is necessary for strong economic performance, there remains a widely held view that a focus on diversity across an organization - but especially in senior leadership means compromising skill or qualifications. I applaud Jay Rosenzweig for his leadership and his commitment to keeping us honest about how far we have come and how much more there is to do.
The Annual Rosenzweig Report is absolutely critical to driving real change because it holds up a mirror to the fact that true equality is still long overdue in corporate Canada and our progress is too slow. This awareness enables us to collectively challenge the status quo, and work hard together to #movethedial to advance the entire talent pool tactically, with vigour, and measure our progress, holding ourselves accountable as a nation.
Jay Rosenzweig from Rosenzweig & Co. is an exceptional executive recruiter with unparalleled access to meaningful, impactful, and exciting opportunities. His network of talent is not only highly respected but also incredibly accomplished. Jay is not just a recruiter; he is a philanthropist and a genuinely good human being. The world is undoubtedly a better place because of people like Jay. Having been a C-level executive and founder for nearly a decade, I can confidently say that Jay is the best partner I have encountered in his field. His dedication to finding the perfect match for both organizations and individuals is unmatched. I highly recommend Jay Rosenzweig for any organization or individual looking to raise the bar and achieve extraordinary results.
Grateful for organizations like Rosenzweig & Company who are leading the way in gender and pay equity in the workplace. Highly recommend this team of consummate professionals led by Jay Rosenzweig. They are knowledgeable, yes, but also kind.
Despite positive change, and excellent diversity champions and initiatives underway, the stats in the Rosenzweig Report are a necessary call to action that we need to do more to move the dial in Corporate Canada. It is our full talent pool that will make us more competitive on the global stage.
The Rosenzweig Report provides a good reminder about how much still needs to be done to achieve true gender equality in the workplace.
I have used Rosenzweig & Company as a recruiter (in widely varied industries from finance, to nonprofit, to entertainment) and as a consigliere in a variety of business matters. The firm's approach and insights are unparalleled, with reach you'd only find at massive firms, and personalized service that feels like an in-house employee. Jay Rosenzweig is a true partner and guide in every sense of the word. I simply don't consider other firms at this point given the continued success I have had with his company.
Given the opportunity, women can make a real difference as corporate leaders. The Rosenzweig Report is valuable because it meticulously charts the lagging presence of women, including women of color, in top corporate jobs. It is a clarion call to do better.
Each year the Rosenzweig Report serves as an invaluable reminder that the advancement of women is proceeding incrementally at best in many C-suites and boardrooms across the nation. By aggregating and quantifying results, the Report highlights the fact that only modest gains are being made, hopefully providing a fact-based impetus for corporate Canada to move beyond more talk and get straight to more action.
We are thrilled to partner with the Rosenzweig Report to use Diversio’s AI solutions to gather data on workplace inclusion. Our hope is that this additional data will help organizations create workplaces where diverse talent can thrive.
Women no less than men deserve an opportunity to aspire to be all they can be and The Rosenzweig Report plays a valuable role in reminding us that, even in Canada, there is still ample room for improvement.
Jay Rosenzweig, has issued yet again his 'Report on Women in Leadership', as a call to action to do more to achieve gender equity in the boardrooms of our nation and beyond. His work empowers women and puts them at the forefront not only in corporate boards, but in all walks of life, be it arts, science, the political sphere, and other decision-making bodies of our nation.
As someone who is passionately involved in the movement for social and environmental justice, I cannot overstate the importance of allies like Jay Rosenzweig in our struggle to make the world safe for those who are vulnerable. As Chair of the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights and as author of the Rosenzweig Report, Jay has worked tirelessly to cast a spotlight on inequalities and acted as a catalyst for change.
Increasing the number of female partners also increases returns and profitable exits. The same applies in most industries: More women's voices; higher profits. Jay Rosenzweig, a valued member of our advisory board, has been saying the same thing for 18 years in his annual report tracking the number of women in the highest positions at the largest corporations. Keep up the good work, Jay!
Looking forward to working with Jay and the incredible community he has built to continue to create an even bigger impact together for the future.
I highly recommend Jay and his team. First class in every way.
I’m so grateful for the people I’ve met because of Pandemic of Love, people like Jay Rosenzweig who has been a big supporter and mentor, in part, because The Rosenzweig Report reminds us year-after-year that we need to be there for one another, and we need to support each other, regardless of gender or background. Jay understands mindfulness, equity and he embodies love-in-action daily.
Jay has inspired our members at The XX Project empowering women in business. With his insight and executive recruitment strategies, he's brought amazing opportunities to our network.
The Rosenzweig Report has provided insight and thought leadership on the progress we've collectively made. While we've trended upwards over the past decade, we can do better than incremental improvement.
The Rosenzweig Report highlights how far we have come and yet it also focuses on how much more we can accomplish working together.
Although many may think gender equality is a non-issue, the Rosenzweig Report sheds light on the work that still needs be done for us to reach our goals.
I applaud the Rosenzweig Report for highlighting the need for businesses to hire and promote women and people of colour – the Report puts a spotlight on the need to do more.
Whoever says there are no systemic racist problems in Canada is ignorant of the truth. Jay Rosenzweig isn’t one of those people. For two decades, Jay has been on the frontlines fighting for justice and equality throughout society from top to bottom, including through his annual Rosenzweig Report, and he’s been a valuable addition to the board of the BlackNorth Initiative.
The Rosenzweig Report provides an important baseline for companies to set targets against and begin to unlock this opportunity.
Social gender equality highly correlates to higher incomes, better human rights and greater individualism. What's good for women turns out to be good for all. Thank you, Jay, for this valuable and honest accounting of women's status in the workplace in Canada.
As the numbers in The Rosenzweig Report show, we still have a ways to go to achieve gender equality. I want every young woman to know that she can be herself, work hard, be true to her values, and be very successful in whatever field she chooses.
It is my great hope that the insights that the Rosenzweig Report provokes is a bellwether of a future world in which the conversation around leadership is no longer about gender integration but about leadership, full stop, making this report superfluous.
Thank you to Jay Rosenzweig and his continuous mission to bring awareness, productivity, fight and truth to sustaining her value- reflecting her beauty- amplifying her voice. The Rosenzweig Report qualifies the infinite blessing of the feminine by fighting for its release from institutionalized and unauthorized imprisonments.
Once again, The Rosenzweig Report is the clarion call for corporate Canada. Equipped with knowledge and empathy, let us courageously lead the way in ensuring women have a seat not just at the table, but in C-suites across the country. Our society will be light years ahead once we realize that fulfilling our corporate potential is inextricably intertwined with the empowerment of women.
Through his women’s rights work on many fronts including his advocacy work on behalf of the women of Iran; his support for Ukraine and it’s First Lady and her foundation; his platform as Board Chair of Irwin Cotler’s Raoul Wallenberg Centre For Human Rights; and his annual Rosenzweig Report on the lack of women leaders in business, Jay Rosenzweig is an ally in our fight on several levels.
The Rosenzweig Report, founded by Jay Rosenzweig, is an important and useful tool in highlighting how much more needs to be done to encourage and support women in the workplace.
The Rosenzweig Report serves as a powerful reminder that more needs to be done to provide women with opportunities to find fulfillment in their chosen pursuits.
We all know that providing women with equal access to opportunity is simply the smart thing to do. I applaud The Rosenzweig Report for consistently bringing this issue to our attention.
The Rosenzweig report shows us in stark terms how much has been achieved on the path to lasting gender equality and at the same time how much work is still to be done. We know that if women aren’t safe they can’t progress. Thanks to Jay and his team for their fervent advocacy and support to build a better and more inclusive Canada.
Jay's mentorship was outstanding. His abundant experience provided the best guidance, offering invaluable insights and practical solutions. Highly recommend his consulting service!
For two decades, Jay Rosenzweig has fought for gender equality, diversity and inclusion. Change has been slow in the real world, but I believe web3 can help speed things up. We need to all work together to achieve, as Jay put it, the dream of a time when there will be only be ‘business leaders’, not ‘women leaders’, ‘African-American leaders’, or ‘Asian leaders’.
Jay Rosenzweig is working diligently in the fight for equity, justice, and fairness. Jay, on our BlackNorth board, is the epitome of active allyship and continues to showcase the importance of unity.
The Rosenzweig Report holds a mirror up to the corporate world and we should face reality, create a more inclusive and just society as we move to economic recovery in the post-pandemic world.
Jay Rosenzweig has made supporting female founders in tech a top priority as an advisor, investor, mentor and advocate. It’s exactly why Jay was one of the first advisors I brought into Zipline, for his progressive stance on diversity, female leadership, and innovation. His actions not only speak louder than words, he champions ideas into movements that create change for women.
For 20 years now, Jay Rosenzweig has been breaking down barriers when it comes to gender equality and diversity in business. I have great respect for his work and his achievements.
I like to surround myself with change-makers who identify problems and set out to make things better. That’s why I invited Jay Rosenzweig to join the Advisory Board of our investment company FullCycle. For 20 years, Jay has been fighting to make the corporate world more diverse, more equitable, more inclusive. More importantly, understands the moral imperative of equality. I’m honored to call him a friend and it says something hopeful that I, a Palestinian American, and Jay, a Jewish Canadian can, work in harmony together and with such great mutual respect.
For almost two decades, Jay has held a mirror to corporate leaders, many of whom are still lagging when it comes to promoting equality. And beyond the corporate world, Jay has been supporting women’s rights globally, including in his capacity as Board Chair of the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights.
The Rosenzweig Report is one example of accountable, consistent, and trusted allyship that has contributed to raising awareness. As matters that directly affect Women arise, it is for us to recognize how we are all impacted. And how we can all be an ally. As gender equality and inclusivity evolve, we need more courageous allies like Jay Rosenzweig & Company to effect change and to increase the number of Women in profit and loss roles, who can positively impact business and the world we live in.
Gender equality is not just about empowering women, it is about empowering society. Equity is the source of economic and social advancement for all. And the only way to progress forward is when we methodically track and trace our steps. The Rosenzweig Report does exactly that. Jay Rosenzweig s work has enabled us to hold companies accountable and to develop the strategies to move forward.
I believe the Rosenzweig Report inspires women to reach for the top as leaders who can impact others for good.
The Rosenzweig Report has earned a reputation as a voice for change and a truly objective source in this important topic. It's reporting truly shows us where we need to work harder and smarter to identify and eradicate gender inequality and to function as a healthier society as a result.
Thanks to the important work of the Rosenzweig Report, all those who care about gender equality will keep at it until real change is felt.
It’s an honor to be featured in the Rosenzweig Report along with other women I look up to, and to have Jay as an advisor to my company Peace Inside Live where we are innovating on ways to bring wellness to Web3 teams and communities virtually and IRL.
The Rosenzweig Report sheds both a hopeful light on the trajectory of gender equality in the corporate world, while also reminding us that there is still much more work to be done. We all have a responsibility to roll our sleeves up to pave the way toward a future where gender equality in the workplace is the norm.
Hopes and aspirations need to be met with opportunity. The Rosenzweig Report shows us we still have so much to do in creating equal opportunity for women in our most senior ranks.
The Rosenzweig Report tells us that we still have a long way to go in terms of promoting and retaining women including women of colour in both the corporate and film world. We are at a pivotal point in humanity where the need to break barriers is necessary more than ever.
We need more women in leadership roles, full stop. And not just at the board level but throughout an organization large or small. The Rosenzweig Report gives us the daylight to see the raw numbers so we can work even harder to disrupt them.
Jay's experience and vision are second to none! He carefully matches talent and culture in a way that unlocks full potential for everyone.
Jay runs one of the most professional and well established firms internationally to find the best talent. Jay is a personal friend and leader and mentor! I highly recommend his services and capabilities and enjoy referring my most prestigious colleagues to partner with Jay.
Jay and the team are great. They have a keen sense of business strategy and culture that helps them build the right search and pinpoint the best person. Highly recommend.
The Rosenzweig Report shows us how far we still have to go to break glass ceilings and clear bottlenecks in the middle.
There’s nothing better than helping others who are less fortunate. Jay Rosenzweig grew up with parents who taught him the importance of hard work and integrity. He dreams big, too, not just in business but also when it comes to social justice and fairness. Through his Rosenzweig Report, Jay has been fighting for inclusiveness, diversity and gender equality. This is the 17th consecutive year of the Rosenzweig Report and Jay’s tenacity shines through.
Increasingly organizations are recognizing the benefits of gender-balanced leadership -access to a wider talent pool, improved decision making and the potential for increased performance. This is reflected in the milestone achieved this year with over 10% of top executive roles filled by women compared with 4.6% in 2006 when the Rosenzweig Report started.
Now in its thirteenth year, the Rosenzweig Report has provided a critical and much required perspective with respect to gender diversity within this country's corporate sector. Gender diversity is not only about fairness, it is a significant component in ensuring that businesses are successful, representative and responsive. The Rosenzweig Report helps to illuminate this reality.
The Rosenzweig Report provides important analysis about the accomplishments women continue to make as business, non-profit and public-sector leaders.
Jay’s passion for mental health, his support for our work, and his empowerment of young women shines through and is greatly valued. He has been our champion since day one and we are grateful to have him in our corner. He founded the Rosenzweig Report almost two decades ago with a clear purpose: the promotion of gender equality and diversity in business and society at large. Over two decades, Jay and his company have not wavered from that purpose.
The Rosenzweig Report is an invaluable beacon that shines a light on the lack of parity, equity, and diversity for women in business.
We’ve found that changing peoples’ views can take longer than expected, but perseverance is the key. Jay Rosenzweig has found the same over the past 18 years as he tries to change corporate views when it comes to women leaders, who are just as good or better than male business leaders.
By annually documenting the slow pace of advancement by women in the corporate sector, Jay and the Rosenzweig Report are casting light on a dark truth- when it comes to top jobs, women don’t often get the consideration or recognition they merit. The Rosenzweig Foundation is helping inform change.
Jay Rosenzweig is a very professional and incredibly connected executive recruiter. His experience and reach spans many industries. I highly recommend Rosenzweig & Company and Jay!
Jay has an amazing combo of 1) an elite network across all of the top industries and 2) a willingness to be generous with his network (and time) to help build incredible teams and organizations that will shape the future. Highly recommend working with him if/when possible!
Thanks to the guidance and support of incredible Canadian leaders such as Jay Rosenzweig, who works tirelessly to help advance the state of women through this important annual report as well as powerful initiatives worldwide.
We are proud to once again partner with Jay Rosenzweig on the publication of his 19th Annual Report on women in leadership in corporate Canada. Jay is a great example of what I like to call a conscious leader, someone who is a true ally in advancing equity in the workplace and beyond. This report reminds us that while progress has been made, there is still work to do. By working together, we can change the equation and close the gap to create a more equitable workplace.
As an ‘optimism advocate,’ I was immediately drawn to Jay Rosenzweig’s optimistic outlook on diversity and gender equality. In the face of statistical imbalance found in the 16th annual Rosenzweig Report, Jay opts to point out things like ‘the good news is the number has doubled’ and that he’ll keep publishing as long as it takes to ‘work myself out of a job.’ He always sees the glass half full.